What is Human Trafficking?

1. Human trafficking is often referred to as modern-day slavery. It is an intensely growing crime against humanity and includes the commercial sale of sex, forced or bonded labor, and human organs. Women and girls are especially vulnerable to initiation traps of the industry.

2. The occurrence of these activities may not always be mutually exclusive.

3. Human trafficking abuse is a public health, public safety, and human rights violation.

4. Human trafficking is estimated to be a 30 billion dollar illegal industry, second only to weapons trafficking, and tied with drug trafficking.

5. Criminals have learned that drug supplies must be continuously replenished, while sex slaves can be used repeatedly.

6. In the US an estimate of over 450,000 youths are at risk of being trafficked every day. Traffickers often target young people who have run away from home seeking shelter elsewhere.

7. The average age of entry into prostitution is between ages 12 and 14.

8. Many girls confess that the first experience of what they considered to be love or affection came from a pimp, who later turned violent and abused them.

9. Although 80% of sex trafficking victims are girls and women, boys and men are also recruited as victims in the trafficking trade.

10. Human trafficking is a crime which happens in every state of America, including major cities, suburbs, rural and small towns.